Thursday 27 September 2012

Being "comfortable" in a relationship

Let me paint a picture for you. You just started dating and you want to make the best impression possible. The three dates with the sane person have gone awesomely.  You decide to cook them a meal and make the evening a more intimate affair. 
The table is set and ready with the finest cutlery you own. The chicken is ready and the side dishes almost done. You buy the most expensive wine. You even went as far as vacuuming even though you did three days ago. 
Dinner is ready so you hurry to the bathroom to have a hot shower and put on some new fragrance that you went out of your way to buy.
Fast forward past the date. It went well. He or she was impressed and your mission is accomplished. Things continue to move along the same lines and you decide to become a couple. You are ecstatic.
Again move forward a year and you're still together.  Do you still do those special things you use to for him or her or are you now comfortable?
Don't get me wrong. Its okay to be comfortable. You found someone who you love and you feel empowered and more fulfilled with them in your life. When I say comfortable, I mean being so relaxed that you are in a relationship that you take for granted that a relationship is an organism that needs to be fed and cared for. 
People will stop doing those special things for their loved ones like in the scenario before. In my opinion, the things done at the beginning should be done right through a relationship. Giving gifts and things like that may change in complexity and taste but it should always be ongoing. 
Do you send your significant other a text message or buy an unexpected gift to let them know you're thinking about them? Sometimes all failing relationships need is a nudge. Just like a dog don't feed it and it will die.
In my experience I have missed the signs of this comfort many times. Why you say? Because it seemed we were both on the same page as far as being comfy. We both said we didn't want to go out or we both stopped doing things that drew us together in the first place.  No one was putting out an effort.  A relationship dies because people allow it even if they don't intentionally mean to. To sum it up never start taking each other for granted.

What are your thoughts on being comfortable?


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